oxhunting just minutes from Denver, Colorado with the Arapahoe Hunt means spending glorious days riding cross-country behind an enthusiastic pack of English foxhounds chasing elusive coyotes. Foxhunters enjoy riding horses and feeling the sights and sounds of the chase, often punctuated by "music" of the hounds or by the huntsman's horn. During the months of October through April, the hunt goes out on Wednesdays, Sundays and some Saturdays, with a short cubbing preseason in September.

Coming from many walks of life and many corners of the horse world, Arapahoe Hunt members share a love of horsemanship, horses and dogs, of course, while being in the great outdoors and "riding to hounds." The Arapahoe Hunt welcomes new members and takes pleasure in introducing them to the traditions and joys of foxhunting.

If you are interested in hunting as a guest or receiving membership information, please call Joni Starbuck at 978-870-7199.